I can't even begin to think where I should start with trying to describe our days activities but it involved visiting the oldest house in Durban(like 100 and something years old...that is OLD), climbing down some slopes to visit caves and check out how people live there ( surreal I tell you,) ,we went to the place where Mandela cast his vote, (check out 2Slice casting his vote...a bit late...but still...it all counts right?) Our tour also involved a much needed visit to Sfiso's Store,where some thick dance vibes were being sent out by 2Slice and the locals. We went to a...well I dont really know what to call this place...lets go with 'local watering-hole' called Hlabisa in Kwa-Mashu where we had meat that was so amazing that the band boys decided they needed to plan a man-braai for the evening.(and you all thought it was only women who planned that stuff).We watched a bit of some apparently 'very' important soccer game too....2Slice was getting so into it he hugged some random innocent bystander. The locals were AWESOME and I would say that Marty from C.B.M pretty much made some friends for life with the lo-cals. (you go Marty). We ate,drank and were merry. On our way home we stopped off at a house in the township where literally every kid in the neighbourhood came out to greet us . The boys (I have to refer to all the band folk as this otherwise its too complicated) seemed to be quite the heros amongst the kiddos...I even remember hearing Jonas doing some counting skills with them. (Hey Jonas...you could totally teach if your voice fails ok) I honestly think I speak for a lot of the crew when I say this was pretty much the perfect way to end the day. As one of the boys summed it up... B.D.E.... BEST DAY EVER.
PLEASE just do yourself a favour and book yourself and your mates a tour with StreetScene Tours you will just overflow with awesomeness afterwards. Check out their website for all the details and tours are customizable. OH YEAH.
BIG THANKS to 2Slice (ok ok..his real is Dre) for hooking us up and Rich from StreetScene for giving us the ultimate Saturday gift! love you ou's long time!
*Dear The La Els and City Bowl Mizers... you people are tooooo rad. Lets do that again.
Here a couple snappy snaps from the day....go to the CityLove Facebook page for all the rest. While you're there you might as well join the page. It's good for you...no really.
Aweh 2Slice
Sthembiso-our guide...check out the best shirt in the WORLD!
Our first stop...oldest house in Durban (Jonas was keen to find out about renting)
2Slice does his bit for the elections... we all play a part 2Slice!!!

You know like Hyper Market...?? yeah...Hyper Goats...you can indeed get yourself 1xgoat

Down at the caves ek se!

2Slice wanted to experience what it was like to live in the caves...

Lets bring it in...TEAM!
After our vibe at the caves...Jonas did dragon impersonations..do Matt and 2Slice look impresses? I didnt think so either
Sfiso's store...for all your liquid requirements! Rad tunes also available 'Can I be your faaaaairytale'
Dance time..courtesy of the Toyota parked in front of Sfiso's
What a bunch of posers

All that love
At Hlabisa's... that food was aaaaamazing!!
Last stop of the day...walking around the houses in Kwa-Mashu

Team shoe photo
you never met a poser like 2Slice
Jonas...such a crowd pleaser with the kiddo's
B.D.E. indeed!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for documenting this awesome day.
Will definitely do this again next time!
Those photos made me so homesick! Looked like a rad day :)