Monday, October 4, 2010

Existence Weekend Tribute

I think it was about a month ago that myself and 13 other amazing people packed our bags and drove very very far,for at least 40 whole minutes up the coast to a little place called Westbrook. Now I dont really want to make this blog too much about myself but I really didn't want to pass up the opportunity to write a few words about that particular weekend. Let me just sum it up in a few Every person added their own flair to the weekend.I will say there was a lot of i-phoning...and a lot of pingpong...and a lot of laughing,and food,and fire and and get the point right? I pretty much adore every single person from that weekend. I loved Nic's quote of 'we'll take it cos we deserve it' and J's "prince alfredo' line. I found it amusing how much Steve,Dan and Will were unable to leave the iPhones, and I loved having all 6 girls piled onto 2 single beds for an afternoon nap and laugh (mostly at my expense),and Will's awesome coffee skills,and let us not forget the girls beating the boys at 30 seconds (oh yes),there were talks about menthol (dont even ask),and actually just having a conversation with Steve and Nikki...keeps you entertained forever,they really are the raddest couple we all agree? There are actually too many things to write. But to those who were there....I say To the Window..To the wall....(you can all sing the rest in your hearts).
Love all of you.

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